Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fine View to the River

16"x20" Oil on Canvas

I did this painting some time ago, and was never quite happy with it.  I just recently made changes to it and am now happy with it.  The painting was done from a photo I took on vacation.  It is a small village called Fine View in Upstate NY on Wellesley Island in the St. Lawrence River.  The village of Fine View was started in the 1800's as a Methodist retreat.  The village has many of these beautiful victorian homes and is a wonderful summer vacation place.  It is like stepping back in time.  One of my favorite places.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Bluebird of Happiness

Oil on Gessobord

Now that spring is here these little bluebirds are everywhere, house hunting, building nests, and protecting their already built nests.  I love watching them bring food to the family.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Keeping Watch

10"x8" Oil on Canvas

Another animal, what can I say other than they are just so much fun to paint.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Sing Like No One is Listening

7"x5" Oil on Gessobord

I love hearing all the birds on a spring morning and I can just hear this Carolina wren singing his heart out.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Summer's Bounty

10"x8" Oil on Canvas

I love the window boxes of summer overflowing with geraniums.  A real plus of the geraniums is that the deer don't eat them.....well not yet anyway, but they do on occasion pull them out.  I guess in frustration of not finding them very tasty.    I hope everyone has a very nice Easter.